Game by D10SChess vs Pripple

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D10SChess - Pripple
2104 - 2324
Club Buho21, 2020.02.10

D10SChess - Pripple (PGN)

1. e3 c6 2. Bb5 cxb5 3. Ne2 Qc7 4. c3 Qxh2 5. Rxh2 a6 6. Rxh7 Rxh7 7. Kf1 b6 8. g4 Ra7 9. g5 g6 10. Kg1 b4 11. cxb4 b5 12. d3 Rc7 13. Nd2 Rxc1 14. Nxc1 Rh5 15. Qxh5 gxh5 16. f4 h4 17. Ne2 h3 18. Rf1 a5 19. bxa5 e5 20. fxe5 Ba3 21. bxa3 Kd8 22. Rxf7 d6 23. exd6 b4 24. axb4 h2+ 25. Kxh2 Nh6 26. gxh6 Bh3 27. Kxh3 Nd7 28. Rxd7+ 0-1
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